Saturday, 26 April 2014

Signs to show you are becoming French

Lower down is a post about a new book " 90+ ways of being French"  I thought we could think between us of at least 10 ways can't we?
1.  Eating cheese and salad course before dessert ... definitely French but we do it now.
2. Calling your trailer  a remorque, or a betonnier  a betonnier..  what is a bettonnier in English? (cement mixer)
3. Our renters are " locateurs" not renters. They rent our gite,  not as they say  when they write, a villa.
4. Saying bonjour Messieurs,dames  when you go into the doctors
There are 4 to get you started, bet you can come up with more.

Hi Val
 Signs that show you're becoming French:
 You have loyalty cards for Simply Market, Carrefour Contact, Leclerc and every DIY shop within a 50km radius.
 You no longer take any notice of No Parking signs.
 You take your dog into a restaurant.
 You have learnt to say ‘Re-bonjour’ with confidence when you meet someone for the second time in a day.
 You don’t worry about holding up the traffic when you spot a friend as you’re driving along and fancy a chat.
 You actually fill in the Orange customer satisfaction questionnaire.
 You no longer need a dictionary when visiting the doctor, dentist or hairdresser (on second thoughts, the latter might be a bit rash…).
 You keep your shutters closed to keep the heat in in winter and out in summer (apart from a couple of weeks in early May and mid-September).
 You say “Ce n’est pas grave’ automatically whenever anyone apologises to you for anything.
 You buy three apples and a banana in the market and pay by cheque.
 You take a large carrier bag with you every time you visit the pharmacy.
 You wait happily and patiently while the shop assistant gift wraps a biro for the customer in front of you.

Bonjour Val
tu es bien francophone maintenant : tu emploies le mot "bisous". Bravo!

Val says  at this rate we will be able to write our own book!