Wednesday 23 April 2014

Expatness and other mysteries and a chimney sweep needed

Hi Val
Born American, that polyg8t nation that tries to rule the world, where hardly anyone can truly be called "native", adopted Canadian, and part time French resident. How is that for a run-on sentence? The reality is that many like Maggie and me have fairly recent European roots. My most often trotted out by my Mother's snobish parents include Bakewells from Derbyshire, Coudroy d'Lauriels from Aquitane vis Guadaloupe and Hirts who are n8bodys from Dresden. So what! We put far too many lables on people. One day may we all jus4 live long and prosper together helping each other enjoy the brief time we have on this mortal coil and shed the greed that dominates and marginalises so many lives. Here endeth the lesson.
Bill McCarthy  who is onky on his first cup of coffee this morning

Val says to Malc
Do Canadian key boards use 8's and 4's and is " onky" an American expression or should it be "only"? 
Thanks Bill, are you back here now and Malc says will you be "bridging" tomorrow?

Yes Mal, we are indeed in residence in this paradise. My typing skills being less than stellar at best are now impared by the small tablet keypad and my big shakey fingers. We are looking for a chimney sweep willing to come to Promilhanes, english speaking would be a bonus but not required. See you on Thursday at bridge?


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