Monday 24 December 2018

Cannabis was saved

Cannabis was saved
Those of you who frequented the Deux Rivieries at Laguepie which last night burned down will know that the owners had a much loved little dog called Cannabis.
Talking to the pompiers today we were told one of the Pompiers broke in to check no one was inside but  found Cannabis, very scared and beginning to be affected by smoke. Today we are told he is safe and well.
The hotel on the other hand is in a terrible state, and is now just a shell. 
It is going to be some months or years before all the work could be done.
The risk assessor was there today in the smouldering ruins before any work could be done on making the building safe for round about, passing people etc.
Pompiers and gendarmes had set up a desk with drinks and biscuits, fortunately as they were standing outside, it is a mild day.