Thursday 14 December 2017

10000 euro fine for setting fire

Not an arsonist responsible for the terrible forest fires suffered earlier in the year, but an irresponsible farmer convicted of "ecobuage". Remi Denjean is one of the hill farmers who burn their fields to clear them of stubble and weeds before replanting. Whilst the system is well known to be effective and even beneficial the smoke and CO2 generated is classed as a nuisance.
Ecobuage is allowed in certain circumstances, but notice must be given so that pompiers can be aware and the risk of uncontrolled fires be minimised.
M Denjean is vice president of the chamber of agriculture in Ariege and has been banned from public office for three years. The 10000 euro fine was suspended, and his permit to bear arms must be subject to renewal. Perhaps more to this story than meets the eye.
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