Thursday 1 September 2016

Nous sommes le jeudi premier septembre

Yes the first of September, is it the first day of autumn? It certainly still looks like summer looking out of the window, till I notice the willow tree nearly devoid of leaves. The rabbits are still playing near the pool and Bonny and cats are sleeping nearby. Already tired by rabbit chasing in their dreams. Eldo is on his  designated sofa legs, in the air. He likes a lie in, such a sensible animal. The donkeys are down the road, I wonder if they miss me as much as I miss them? Another few weeks and they will be back here... but probably without the boys.
For us a relaxing week recovering from the earthquake traumas. We continued the gin and tonic aperos theme under the trees last night with friends. The therapy is working and we all admitted it was years since we had gin and tonic... only one in a long glass, not shaken, not stirred with ice and lemon.
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