Tuesday 23 April 2013

No problem with his sperm, this chap!

Sent by Chas, a picture of his dear brother. We edited it for deceny's sake.

Val says this was an earlier post
This made me smile, a report in The Depeche taken from the Scottish Medical Journal shows that the level of sperm in men has been dropping for 50 years. Accompanying this report is a picture of three men in kilts, as apparently the wearing of a kilt  "sans sous vetements" would help the problem. So no longer a useless national symbol but a way the clans of Scotland can procreate and  take over the world. Any reader with a picture of themselves in a kilt ? This was not quite what I had expected!
Naughty Susan Hunt says  Why did you blank it out, on second thoughts not a pretty sight!!!!
Susan Hunt
Complaints to taglines82@gmail.com