Sunday, 6 September 2015

Who is Richard Wylie Harris, when he's at home?

Hi Val,
No, really - who is he? Clearly a bit up himself if he thinks that the rest of the world should continue to live in places that don't have all the comforts of the 21st century (like tarmac on the streets) just so that he can kid himself that life was 'better in the old days'. Or maybe he simply enjoys using an outside loo when its -15°C ... and who needs the telly, the phone or the internet anyway! (not to mention a medical centre, school bus, drains...)
France is not a bucolic theme park for the narrow of mind - if its rural areas are to survive and thrive then they will inevitably develop a different footprint - one carved out by the people who want to live there, who invest their money and their lives, who pay their taxes... We are not all fabulous architects and interior designers, and people like what they like, get over it.
Ah - just found a Mr Wylie-Harris on Face book, seems he signed the petition to bring back that pillar of humanity Clarkson. Why am I not surprised.
Jo N

Val says It is interesting looking people up on facebook, you are sometimes surprised, but often all is explained. You have to love the expression " a tarts knicker drawer though"
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