Friday, 25 September 2015

Peter Pepper competition

Hi Val and Malcolm

Please would you post the following message, which many of our friends
may be interested in.    Thanks.
How are you both?  Well I hope.
Peter and Gill

We have now set a date for the PeterPepper competition which as a
result of many requests will be combined with a 'pub quiz'. We will
also be having a farewell party for Chris Gee and Bob who will be
leaving on the following day. The last time we held a quiz it was very
successful and we made quite a lot of money for charity.
We have to pay 30 Euros for the use of the room so we may have to make
a small charge so that we can maintain a good donation for the chosen
charities. (say, 1 Euro per person).
The charities chosen this time are: The Teysseroles Church restoration
and the Selgues Church restoration funds. Beer and wine will be on
sale at only 2 Euros a glass so we hope lots of people will come to
support our efforts to make this a fun night.
Please bring yourselves and as many friends as you can.
ps. The PeterPepper competition was initiated at Teysseroles, where
plants were sold.

Peter and Gill                    (