Friday 20 June 2014

The ultimate in integration.

Dear Val
After much thought we have decided to apply for dual nationality. It doesn't matter how bad we consider the UK is getting the UK will never let us renounce our British nationality. 

So we have been to the prefecture and got our forms which look surprisingly easy to complete even if they would prefer us to supply our parents birth certificates. Sadly our parents would all be well into their hundreds if they were still alive and the certificates were disposed of some time ago.

However we have had several people telling us that we cannot apply because we did not have an income in France. This is not strictly true. Everyone applying for nationality must be independent of French state benefits. This means that those under retirement age must be working while those of us who are retired must have a pension income which enables them to be independent of French top ups. Our pensions while arising in the UK are paid into French bank accounts and are taxed over here but those people like retired teachers and civil servants who are taxed in the UK can still apply for citizenship over here.

So we have our referees - the mayor and our French teacher, we have to pass our French exams which is fortunately only an oral one and one on citizenship but we can buy a book and mug up on the multi-choice anwers, a change bought in in 2012. Finally there is the visit from a gendarme presumably to make sure we are honest, trustworthy and really exist. Apparently the process takes up to two years;

If anyone has succeeded recently we would love to hear from them and we will keep TAG posted!

Val says  well done Ross and Ginny. I am so pleased you are giving it a go. We want to, but I am spending time trying to improve my French before applying.