Thursday 19 June 2014

Taking the law into your own hands

Two stories in the French news this week point out both sides of the story, in one case the "perpetrator" has general sympathy, in the other the victim is seriously ill. Andre Bamberski arranged for the man suspected of murdering his daughter to be kidnapped from Germany and left chained to the gates of a public building. The man was convicted to 15 years imprisonment and yesterday Bamberski was in turn sentenced to 12 months suspended for having planned and paid for the kidnapping.
Par contre, a group of residents who suspected a young Rom of being a burglar kidnapped the young man and beat him senseless before dumping him in a shopping trolley (the press used the word "lynching" which obviously has a slightly different meaning in French). The victim is now in intensive care "between life and death". To date no suspects have been arrested.
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