Monday 16 June 2014

Food poisoning, makes you think!

Hello Val,

Having just read the dire warnings about washing chicken, both in the press and on TAG today, can I just say I was warned against doing this some years ago by my doctor after a nasty bout of salmonella food poisoning. Since then I never have!

However, a word of advice to the contrary concerning canteloupe melons! I again learned the hard way about this one! I bought a couple of melons from a producteur on Caussade market a couple of years ago. If you think how these are grown and fertilised, it's not surprising that there is all sorts on the skin of a melon, including chicken s**t!! And possibly worse!

After having a slice of melon for breakfast, I won't go into details of what ensued that eveing, but suffice it to say I was dreadfully ill - so much so that the doctor had to come to the house the following morning. After asking what I had eaten, when I told him about the melon, he made several clicking and tut tutting noises in French and declared the culprit! Vous n'avez pas lavé le melon! If there is bacteria on the skin, when you slice it through, they are transferred on on to the flesh by the knife. That's how food poisoning can occur and people don't think of that aspect! So I always DO wash the skin of melons before cutting or peeling, even those from the supermarket - just in case.

Actually, a good story came from my elderly next door neighbour, now in his 80's. Jacques told us that when he was very little, his aunt made him go and do his 'caca' on the melons in the garden as it did them good and made them grow!

Something worth remembering readers! 
Val says both in the press and on TAG today! and here's me fooling myself that TAG is part of the press.