Monday 16 June 2014

A few ideas for integration

Hi Val & Malcolm,

 a few things that I feel contributed a lot to our integration into the french rural community; the first thing we did when we came to live here is buy a french car! Your car is often the first thing people see when you arrive somewhere and by driving a foreign car, you could immediatly be classified as 'un étranger',. Secondly, I shop locally as much as possible and use the services of local, french plombiers, charpentiers, notaire, coiffeur etc,. even if your french isn't yet very good; this is how you learn. In small communities like the ones we live in, your garagist or your pharmacien will become a friend if you are a regular customer. Always taking time for a chat helps too ;-). By the way, would you believe that at the BIOCOOP (organic supermarket in Villefranche), they actually know the names of many of their customers?! Organic smallholdings and producers often work on much more personal bases and their clients are usually part of their social circle. Last but not least when you live à la campagne, have a potager! Ask the grandma next door for advice; they know everything,. My neighbours love it when I take the time to admire their garden, 'talk vegetable and weather' and they are very interested in my own garden. If you have a garden, here's an idea: invite your french neighbours to go to the 'Salon du jardin d'été' and go  together!    
 xx Anke
Val says  that sounds like a great idea Anke.
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