A grey wet morning kept donkeys huddled in the stable at breakfast time, making it very difficult to feed four without someone getting wet, in the event it was mainly me.
The hens tucked up in "le poulailler "refused to get up and I could not blame them. I will have to remember to pop over later to clean them out as I just hate dirty eggs. Where does the singing come in? Well it does not, who would be daft enought to sing when it is raining?
There was singing last night however for the very unusual production of Hansel and Gretel from the Royal Opera House five years ago. The music was lovely and of a tale we all know but the slightly wacky touches on stage direction by Moshe Leiser and Patrice Caurier made for a really interesting production. It felt like Hansel and Gretel with naughty bits. In one scene there was a lot of fumbling with clothes from the amourous childrens parents and then the witch was portrayed as an old Granny with zimmer frame and unbuttoned blouse presenting us all with what I assumed to be huge latex tits. At least one of the audience was offended, many thought it an amusing twist and the old woman still got pushed into the great oven. Shame that the very last part of the DVD started breaking up but I think that apart it was a good evening. A big thank you to Kay and Moya for the cakes.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com