Monday 23 December 2013

Do you know the best age to breed a donkey?

Malc is in the shower so I can write this! I have just googled the best age to breed from a female donkey, and it is 6 years old. How old are my girls, yes they are six. Before this they can breed but are not physically mature enough. I think all this sexual activity in the fields has made me broody, never mind Rosie. Why would I want a baby donkey I ask myself? Is it for me, the children who visit or what I would like to think, for the welfare of the donkeys giving them a full and satisfied life. Then when we have babies could I sell them or find good homes to give them to? I shall be mulling it over through the Christmas period. Although the gendarme would bring up a male donkey of my choice,( I did like the face of the grey donkey with antlers,)  but I am sure there will be a cost and I wonder how much that would be. If there is anybody out there who would fancy a baby donkey in the fullness of time, it takes 13 months gestation period and then a further 8 months that the donkey needs to stay with Mum, contact me.
I know Malc will say "it is foolhardy at nearly 70 to be talking about breeding donkeys" and he is probably right but I do not feel like giving up yet!
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