Saturday, 14 December 2013

News from the Domaine de Sautou

This week end, this afternoon and tomorrow is a Marche de Noel at the Domaine de Sautou, go along to buy a few Christmas presents and enjoy the ambience. Malc and I went this morning and really enjoyed meeting everyone there. My little boys, who are being cared for there, well 17 year old sweeties in their care,  were there to help where they could. Mamadou, Ahad and a new boy just arrived called Said another boy from Bengal all chatted to me practising English and newly learnt French and then gave me a lesson in Bengali.
Jean Marie and Winnie were there offering drinks, mulled wine and cakes. Jane and Colin were working hard with a stall, or was it three or four stalls? Andrew, Media Man and Becky had a stall and were entertaining Reuben and Jacob at the same time.
Go along, show your support and see the diverse multi cultural shining happy faces, it does your heart good.
Winnie tells us that we now have 40 ladies signed up to help the ladies of Bamako in their gardening project. Actually 41 as I forgot to pass on an envelope with the name and address of another lady.
Jean Marie told us that an association in Toulouse had donated 5,000 euros to help open a soup kitchen for the masses of children that are coming down from the North escaping trouble. Jean Marie has a trip planned in the near future to oversee this project and another where the Rotary Club of Gaillac have donated a large sum for food supplies.
The trip to Sautou which is near Parisot is well signposted and the ride through the country on a sunny day like today is lovely.
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