Wednesday, 16 December 2020

House for sale in Varen

House for sale in Varen, Tarn et Garonne, a priviliged position, away from the main road surrounded by fields but only two steps away from the centre and all amenities. A warm sunny house with every window double glazed, the floor between the sous sol with 6 inches of insulation. Radiators with a Weismann boiler, boiler and radiators all just serviced. Electricity renewed through out with extra points with, all to norm. ( cost over 7,000 euros ) just this year.
The well fenced garden is well stocked with 3 plum, 3 pear, one cherry, one big walnut tree, grape vines  along one wall and two wonderful purple figs. Many established and newly planted rose trees, peonies , iris, muguet. 1,360 m2
A good sized shed for garden equipment. Large drive with plenty of parking, double gates and a further entrance gate further up in the wall at the front of the house.
In a village with renowned restaurant,bar,supermarket,hairdresser, maison de sante, pharmacy. Market and friperie Saturday morning
199,000 euros

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Happy Christmas from Mains Tendues 82

Really pleased that our association Mains Tendues 82 in Varen can send 750 euros to help buy shoes for children in an unimaginably terrible refugee camp in Lesvos.
Imagine  your child in conditions like these with ill fitting flip flops and crocs on their little feet. 
We have also sent 500 euros to Pas sans Toit an association which  helps people living on the streets in Montauban, many of them refugees.
Yet another 500 euros to an association in Toulouse which also helps people living on the streets.
Along with local donations,we have donated to associations in Varen and Verfeil.
The spirit of Christmas is with us and all our helpers wish you and yours a very Happy Christmas. Let’s all continue working for others less fortunate.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Spread the love and keep dancing

Let’s keep dancing through it all
We have so much to be thankful for
Enjoy each day and spread the love 💖