Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Who can help with Splatch?

Who could be a good Samaritan for a couple of months?
This is a terrible distressing story... none of it the fault of Splatch.
 A story we have not featured on TAG but a local man got into a fight with some one he knew.
It is quite a complicated story but the outcome ended up with one man being set alight with petrol and ending up with serious burns. The man who was hurt,  the dog owner pleaded for his dog not to be burnt and Splatch was left.
The man is now in a serious burns unit, the other man in prison... but for a short while there is no one  to look after Splatch. The man when recovered will want Splatch back so it is only temporary care.
The dog is very very friendly with everything and everyone. Splatch is an uncastrated male, cross
labrador. Kathy from Truffes et Moustaches the dog rehomers in St. Antonin is very stretched at the moment with it being holiday time and people leave pets as they go on holiday.
I have said we would see if we can find a short term home.
Please think about it.
A photo to follow whilst you are thinking.
Please contact me to know more in English or Kathy if you speak French.
Val   taglines82@gmail.com

or Kathy  tel 0563682493