Thursday, 2 June 2016

Nous sommes le jeudi deux juin

The wettest days on record in Paris and a lot of drying out and clearing up to do ready for the Euro 2016 football championship.
The rivers round about here are all flooded and ratty and mole along the river banks are getting worried, as are other residents with riverside properties.
Once again a week where it is impossible to get into the garden working, meaning with a very little sun and lots of rain the grass has shot up again.

Tomorrow we are invited to lunch with Jean Marie and Winnie Nosal along with the band leader Deddy and his wife from the jazz group at Toulouse, "Martin's Jazz Band."
The Picnic in the Park will happen this year but instead of " chez nous" it is going to be held at the Domaine de Sautou, on the basis if it is wet we will have a hall to run to.
After our lunch and discussions tomorrow we will bring you the details.
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