Whilst we were having our coffee in St. Antonin this morning, a group of young men were causing a bit of noise, one dressed as a lady. They commandeered a piece of the street and the two boys from Sudan asked me what they were doing.
I had not a clue but have since been told it is a French tradition ( along with the giving of muguet)
The group are celebrating the end of a young man's life of freedom before his marriage.
Info and photo both from Sophie Hautefeuilles.
Nadette says on the incident
We have a saying in French : " heureusement que le ridicule ne tue pas ! " = "Thank God ridicule doesn't kill!" ( equivalent idea in an English saying ??) . Those 5 or 6 young men truly lack common sense and imagination! Exhibiting one's joy at the perspective of getting married very soon can sure be a moment of sheer fun and joy between friends ! Here, it's a despisable view. Am I an old fogey ?
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com