Wednesday 18 June 2014

Some lessons stick in more ways than one

Years ago I was given French lessons by Juliet Taylor; they have left their mark. Juliet was a great ecological campaigner and persuaded me with out too much arm twisting to sign up to support Nicholas Hulot, a green political activist and former TV presenter. Ever since I periodically receive emails from his party and today I signed a petition in favour of banning diesel in cars.
Not sure Malc will approve as he is forever saying how economical the diesel car is, but having heard all the problems diesel polluting the air gives, including asthma in children and adults, sense tells one it has to be stopped.
 I  can see me on a Greenpeace boat yet! and thank you Juliet for telling me about Nicholas Hulot.
Comments to
Malc says: I think that diesel should be banned eventually, but imagine the fight the motor manufacturers (especially French ones) and the middle-of-the-road-fume-emitting-diesel-banger drivers will put up. With diesel 20 centimes per litre cheaper here it will take a long time.