Wednesday 11 June 2014

Pride in your produce for the vegetable and flower show.

What does it say in the programme, category flowers, one head of a hydrangea / tête d' hortensia. Well in the garden I have three hydrangea plants, one a bit weedy but the other two not bad. So what did I buy today?
Engrais pour hortensia, basically food to help those flower heads grow to be huge.  There must be one category in the show I can win and I am pinning my hopes on just one good hydrangea flower. A week before the show I will be guarding that head with my life, might even put a plastic bag over it for protection.

Sadly I know there are super hydrangeas at Laguepie  near the parking but Malc will ensure fair play and not allow me to slink along in the night and steal a head or two.
 Is there anything in the garden you are forcing on for the show on Sat.19th of July?
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