Tuesday 17 June 2014

Food for thought!

Someone who is not British, said  "have you ever thought TAG could stop integration by recommending English workmen and placing the emphasis on English activities?"

Val says  I need to give that one some thought.

When TAG was started all those years ago the idea was always to promote integration and to help us know what was going on in the area. That core ideal has not changed, the number of expats  here has.
Very few of us want the SW to become a " little Britain" and I would be horrified to promote that.
I love the UK and the life it gave us when were younger, democracy at it's very best but I embrace our new life here in France with all the differences of language and culture, France is also a very democratic country, and I like it's pride and patrimoine.

No, I do not think TAG stops integration I think it reminds us to be aware that we are  British, Welsh, Scottish or Dutch, members of Europe living alongside French neighbours and we must be respectful of them and remember we are the incomers.
We do though ( most of us) pay our taxes and have a say in village life, as we should have.
I think this whole integration question came up with the municipal election and the French have made us aware we must try harder.

Comments to taglines82@gmail.com