Saturday 21 June 2014

Do you "tri"?

The tri selectif  is France's major eco gesture. Last year more than 3.5 millions tonnes of household waste was recycled, avoiding the emission of  2.1 million tonnes of CO2, the equivalent of taking 1 million cars out of circulation. These figures are published by the organisation responsible for organising and publicising the tri. Yet not everyone systematically sorts out their rubbish. It seems that the younger you are the less likely you are to put things in the right bin. Some readers disguise their laziness by saying "it all gets put into landfill any way", but the 87% of those who do bother (if not always systematically) are making a valuable green effort. Local authorities can help by keeping the bin emplacements clean and empty regularly. It is particularly galling around here to see rubbish dumped by the bins which could easily be inside the bin or if necessary taken to the dechetterie which is only 2 kms away.
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