Sunday 15 June 2014

Do not open unsolicited emails

A powerful new computer virus was today causing havoc with e-mail systems across the world.
Experts described the virus, called Goner, as one of the fastest-spreading they had yet seen and warned computer users to immediately delete it if they received it.
Alex Shipp, spokesman for anti-virus service MessageLabs, said: "It's spreading with tremendous speed and thousands of users in Britain have already been sent it.
"The virus mass mails itself out through e-mail and attempts to destroy anti-virus software on computers, which could prove extremely problematic for those unfortunate enough to receive it."
The infected e-mail has the word "Hi" as its subject and body text which reads "When I saw this screen saver, I immediately thought about you. I am in a harry (sic), I promise you will love it." Its attachment is labelled "gone.scr."

Val says an article in the Daily Mail tells us about a  computer virus. My sensible TAG readers would not open any email which said the above, if you would  - do NOT.-
 Val says again my sensible TAG readers would also not take the Daily Mail too seriously, it is always full of impending doom and worst possible scenarios. I have searched the serious press and have not found this story elsewhere, when it is on the BBC, then I would take it seriously. Take care with emails as always but  for heavens sake , do not panic and consider the benefits of reading serious papers like The Telegraph, Times, Observer, Independant.. or even TAG ,
Oh and by the way I was sent this info, I am not being accused of being a Daily Mail reader.( and if it is on BBC news tonight I will eat my hat!)

Dear Val and Malc,
You probably will not see this on the Beeb so your hat will be safe for now.  This virus was prevalent in the early 2000's and I would imagine that peoples anti-virus definitions will have full knowledge of this. Oh and the other thing Messagelabs was acquired by Symantec in 2008 so that is another little clue of how out of date this is.