Friday 13 June 2014

Cultural differences you must understand, Val

I feel I have been hit over the head with a baseball bat, better check with Malc if that is what happened. Malc says if it was, that he got the same biff from the bat.
I am talking about French committee meetings, so much you need to be aware of along with the language.
For example did you know that an elderly  French lady would not be seen  dead alone in the bar unless she was no better than she should be!  So the idea Marcia and I had about having a coffee morning in the bar once a month with a mixed group will not work as the French ladies would not go. Well, I am amazed.
 They would however go to another venue (definitely not a bar) for a get together and Nicole Cére is seeing if we could take over the old Mairie building and make it more convivial, curtains, comfy sofas and the like. That could be fun, I would love to give that building a make over.
The other thing that really would not be a "la francaise" is serving drinks and cakes at the Salon, so if you are coming for the day and it is hot bring bottles of water or juice for the kids. The bar will be open in the village.
We had planned a bit of music in the afternoon to jolly things along but the salon is too serious a business for that.. and they could be right. Gardeners and "handicrafters " take their work and produce seriously.
Joking apart the cultural differences are obvious but are there to be overcome and we are not faint hearted. Knowing the pitfalls will make our  salon work more smoothly and we as a group are up for the challenges.
Off to recover with a cup of tea and a ginger biscuit, McVities, from the British Corner shop.
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