Tuesday, 17 December 2013

A reminder from John

John Taylor asks me to make a reminder for you all to come and enjoy Festivities on Thursday 8pm at the Salle des Fetes at Verfeil, an evening where Fifi members will be rubbing shoulders with Folk and Jazz members, who knows what other activities they have planned for us. It is an " auberge espagnol" which means you come in Spanish costume and take a Spanish omelette to eat. ( no it does not, it means take a dish to share) bring all your utensils cups, plates, knives and forks, just like a picnic. Do not forget to pop in a bit of festive booze. I believe there will be " wine, women and song" or was that the Fifi carol concert!
John did give me free rein to write something to encourage you all to come !
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com