Monday, 4 March 2013

Help Will, who WILL help others.

Dear Val
This is an extract from an earlier e mail of William Firmin's, grandson of John Ainsworth.  I think he's about £400 short of his target at the moment.  I enclose the link to you tube  under "Will and Tom".  To make it easier if anyone wants to give us a bit of cash we can get it to Will.
Please edit and precis this as you think fit.
"As you may know, I am travelling to Ecuador this summer to do community & conservation work with Camps International ( So I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on my progress on the fund-raising front, whilst making one very last request to support me.
I am pleased to report that I have now raised £2,700 towards my target of £3,890, due largely to the success of the sponsored Manchester to Blackpool bike ride & also the Dales Way hike in 2012. In between these two events I have raised further funds through mainly car washing, baking & other odd jobs.
With the last stage payment required at the end of April, I am doing one last push to achieve my target by doing a sponsored abseil down the National Lift Tower ( in Northampton on the 16th February. The tower is a purpose built lift-testing facility, rising to 418 feet. I will be abseiling down dressed in my batman outfit! Mum wanted to do it as well (but she’s not). Dad's happier to give it a miss! I attach a flyer giving further info including a photo.
I know some of you have generously sponsored previous events (for which I am most grateful), however I received several requests to keep people updated with future events, hence this email. If you feel able to sponsor me just one last time, I would be extremely thankful & promise I will definitely not pester you again!
My dad is looking after the finances, so if you would like to sponsor me, please send a cheque made payable to S Firmin to me at 21 Rodney Drive, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 3ER, or arrange a direct payment to the following account:
Bank: The Royal Bank of Scotland, 56 Chestergate, Macclesfield. SK11 6BU
Account Name: S & J Firmin
Account Number: 10033335
Sort Code: 16-24-32