Tuesday 26 March 2013

Inspired by Les Jardins de Quercy

Went out and bought the two gardening magazines which have articles in  about our local gardens "Les Jardins de Quercy" which are open every year on the outskirts of Varen in Spring and Summer. In fact directly opposite us up on a hill near Cambou. So near and yet so far in gardening terms, mind they do not have Henny and Penny the two scratching hens, or Bonny and Twister, dogs racing around the garden or even 4 cats who like to dig holes to deposit their business, to contend with.
( I am not even going to mention escaping donkeys charging about.)  Never mind if Jean and Alain can achieve a garden like that in 20 years I am going to keep on working away. 
In the past there has been a little honesty box where you pay, I think it is about 5  euros to look around, you can ask for a guided tour which is a little more and is interesting with a group. The gardens are wonderful with little secret places, spashes of colour everywhere, a maze, oriental gardens and if you have the time take a picnic as a lovely picnic area has appeared at the bottom of the garden. The monies taken over the season are all donated to various charities, one of which  is close to my heart, Via Sahel, Enfants d' Afrique. Wonder if they will be busier this year with so much publicity.
Comments to  taglines82@gmail.com