Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Inspired again and enthused

Just come back from the Domain de Sautou where we were handing over a cheque for 200 euros from our last Opera evening. Jean Marie and Winnie Nosal over a coffee told us of their   ''soucis'' concerning the street children of Bamako. Recently a decree came in to place stopping adoptions out of the country. A proportion of the children lacking parents were in the past adopted and given new lives off the streets, not an ideal situation to be adopted out of your birth country but if it was that or starving on the streets, it is obviously preferable.So the couple are having high level meetings with politicians trying to get this decree repealed; they know of many couples ready and waiting to adopt.
Add to this the fact that each day since the war the number of children going to the school to be fed has risen by 30 a day,  that gives you an idea of the problem. When you have not got the budget for that many children, what do you do. As Jean Marie says ''how can you turn a hungry child away ''
Malc and I thought we had one more Music evening and then practically a quiet summer ahead of us... now we know the work must not stop.
If I can by writing TAG raise awareness  of the work going on here at The Domaine de Sautou near
Castanet and  feed starving children, I will go on.
If as some one has said to me I like reading TAG but not all the charity bits, all I can say is skip through those bits. Some of you DO CARE and it is to those people I tell our plans to.
The Nosals know a chap called Gilles who makes huge marionettes. He is well known in France and the couple thought we might of heard of him. He is coming to Sautou on 18th of May to give a show. Not sure of the time yet but that will be announced nearer the time. Just for your interest check out the website
As well as the show there will be a tombola for one of the huge  wooden marionettes.
Malc is arranging a bridge afternoon in June and along with quite a few of the Caylus Bridge players, French and Dutch friends, and any other bridge players out there, that could be an interesting afternoon with afternoon tea in the middle of play. More of this as dates are firmed up.
Jean Marie fancies arranging a walk through the countryside inviting all local rambling groups ending up with a meal which he will prepare and serve in his '' catering kitchen'' I think this is previewed at the end of May.
If you are interested in helping or have ideas for any event or could put an event into operation be in touch with Malc or myself or Jean Marie and Winnie. nosalw@orange.fr
Val or Malc  mail@bromlea.com
Comments to  taglines82@gmail.com