Saturday, 18 November 2017

Who could stoop so low?

Notice in Secours Populaire's window (screenshot hence quality)
There are people who criticise what we do to help others (and it's not just refugees, but Cancer Support, Red Cross, lost dogs and cats, children in Africa, Alzheimer 82 etc) but we don't imagine even those critics would endorse the theft of Christmas presents from a Secours Populaire depot in Gard.
The association sells clothes, toys and furniture in order to buy food hampers for families in need  and had planned a Christmas event to collect toys, supplying chocolates as gifts to those attending.
But a break-in to the depot led to the theft of 900 euros worth of the chocolates, causing the association to have to spend precious funds for a replacement. The association has distributed over 200 parcels to needy families this month and is disgusted that there are people who will steal from the neediest.
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