Thursday, 16 November 2017

Dr Bouvier appeals for warm clothes

Not for herself of course, but as the doctor treating the refugees housed at Verfeil she is concerned that the cold weather is affecting them. They have mainly light weight summer clothing and unsuitable footwear.
We at Taglines have, thanks to you, supplied lots of clothes over the last five months, but often they are large European older gentlemen's clothes which don't fit. We are expecting some warm coats soon and recently had a bag of socks given.
Shoes in good condition from size 42 - 46 would be welcome, as well as scarves and gloves.
Dr Bouvier says these things can be left at the Varen medical centre or, of course, with us at Mas del Sol.
There will be many others who will be suffering from the cold this winter: old people; homeless; children of poorer families. Please take note of neighbours who may need help, let authorities know if you see problems, give generously to all those in need.
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