Sunday, 24 September 2017

Pigeon shoot banned

Each year the maire of Beaumont de Lomagne (T&G) has authorised selected chasseurs to shoot pigeons in the town as a method of reducing numbers. The commune even supplies the ammunition and up to 5000 birds have been eradicated this way.
Pic: Serge Dijan

Now the public prosecutor has warned that allowing guns to be fired in the town like this is a danger to the rest of the population and must end. The maire claims that pigeons cost the commune about 10000 euros a year in cleaning costs and without the cull it would be worse.
The production of cereal crops around the town is attracting the birds, giving rise to spectacular flight displays each morning and evening. The maire contends that the "other methods" advised by the procureuse simply will not work. And imagine how much the chasseurs enjoy a clay pigeon shoot - with real pigeons!
On the other hand some residents seem to be subverting the efforts by feeding the birds and allowing them to perch in their attics.
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