Coco and Babouche are the best of friends and having an idyllic life.. thanks to TAG readers.
Coco is really a delight and he has really fallen on his hooves with donkey friend Babouche and his owner Maxime
TAG, along with TAG readers, who all pulled together. One reader who used her rather smart horse box on two occasions to move him, the blacksmith /marechal ferrant who trimmed his badly deformed hooves/ sabots for free, and a myriad of us who raised the money to have him castrated.
A few hiccups along the way when Coco was moved to someone who did not understand donkeys (they are just not like horses in their behaviour) and a panic when I was threatened with the knacker's yard.... not me personally but Coco.
As it happened I knew someone who had one donkey and may like another for free and after a visit with Maxime he confirmed he would like him.
He is now being trained to pull a carriage with Babouche and gives donkey rides to holidaymakers.
He is just the sweetest donkey and I love seeing him now happy in the fields.
Without all your help this could have been quite a different outcome involving donkey burgers.
Coco is the one looking up hearing me shout him.