Wednesday 16 November 2016

Christmas sale

Friday 9th December 16h - 21h (4pm - 9pm)
Dear all
We at Vintage by Divas are pleased to announce that we will be doing another private sale before Christmas, but this time, with some fantastic local artisans from the area.

Alongside our latest collection of elegant vintage and designer clothes, there will be a beautiful selection of jewellery by Mathilde, elegant glassware by Christophe and sumptuous delicacies by Emmanuella from Manufacture Gourmande.  

Hosted by Manufacture Gourmande, 3 rue Fontournies, 81170, Cordes sur Ciel - at the intersection leading up to the old Cite.  There will be plenty of free parking.

There will be a free apero of mince pies and mulled wine.  Come along to get Christmassy and source some fabulous presents too!
Pass it on!
Caroline x