Tuesday, 6 September 2016

New forest fires hit the south

The very hot and dry weather has unsurprisingly rendered the woods and fields of the south of France tinder dry. Fanned by powerful mistral and tramontane winds from the north many forest fires have broken out in the Aude department and especially in the National Park des Calanques, around Marseilles.
Some French friends we dined with yesterday were extolling the beauty of this area and urged us to visit there, but the authorities have closed all public access to the forests and more than 1000 hectares is menaced by the fires in the Aude, Tarn and Bouches du Rhone.
Happily no people have been injured and only a few isolated buildings destroyed, but with the mistral still strong today the risks are ever present.
Canadaires and fire engines in action. Pic MaxPPP
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