Suddenly François Hollande is having a bounce back. The " chef de l'etat" has moved up 22 points to 50% in the opinion polls. Atrocities happening in Paris and his swift reaction, sending planes to bomb in Syria, all seem to have met here with approval. Keeping people safe or showing that he is serious about doing so has touched a popular chord.
Now if there are not readers saying " how does bombing Syria keep us safe" I would be surprised
I am with one of the Archbishops of the C of E who said on the BBC this week that he was against bombing because of civilian casualties but was not against foot soldiers, men on the ground. That is also my stance. I will have a chat now to Malc to seek his opinion.
Malc thinks the National Front are still going to win all the regional elections.
If that is true, I start despairing now.
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