Sorry, the headline does a disservice to Prince Charles, who expressed his concerns over the future of many French cheeses. Receiving an award in Paris for his championing of organic agriculture the heir to the throne also voiced his opposition to increasing use of genetically modified products. In a world where all the microbes have been eliminated he said, what will become of brie de Meaux, bleu d'Auvergne or smelly pont l'eveque?
Malc is with Wallace in wishing that the moon would be made of Wensleydale, organic of course, and the Prince and his like minded subjects can have their smelly French cheeses!
Val says do you know that amazes me, in the shopping trolley/ a caddy Malc always puts Rocquefort in!!
I know he prefers English cheeses though. Whereas I love French cheese, brebis( pronounced brubis) yum,yum.
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