We have had a spate of people recently finding lost dogs, so from my experience working with Kathy dog rehomer I know I can give this advice.
Unless the dog is on a dangerous road or looking malnourished leave it alone, do not feed it or it will hang around even if its own home is round the corner.
You may see an uncastrated male wandering but he knows where he is and what he is up to. Often dogs people find as wandering are repeat offenders, uncastrated males. ( obviously a thin dog with matted coat is different).
If you do pick it up, the first thing to do is get it to your local vet to find if it has an ownership chip in its neck. It is free and if the dog is chipped the owner can quickly be found.
If not chipped you need to tell the Maire as it is his responsibility but often you will receive a shrug!
In the St. Antonin area which covers Caylus you can contact the paid dog rehomer Kathy Gabu.
tel 0563682493
She will take the dog and it will be kept for 8 to 10 days in the St. Antonin dog pound whilst searches are made for the owner. If the owner of the dog does not turn up in that time the dog will be put up for adoption before being sent to the Montauban dog refuge.
Kathy does try to rehome through her association " Truffes et moustaches"
So think, before catching a dog, does it look in trouble or is it a dog just out wandering?
One of the reasons Kathy insists on fenced gardens is to stop dogs getting into these roaming the country situations. Too many dogs roaming causing traffic accidents and some chase and kill sheep.
We know what farmers do to them!
Kathy promotes sensible dog ownership and I am with her on that.
Comments to taglines82@gmail.com