Friday 8 November 2013

What a morning, I am collapsing now with nervous exhaustion and wondering what this little old granny has taken on!

One of the nice photos of Lucy made the Fifi newsletter, I bet these photos do not!
What a morning! We had called the ''marechal ferront'' / blacksmith to cut the donkeys hooves and the rendezvous was this morning.
We got the girls ready with their head collars on and then we realised Rosie had come into season / en chaleur. Not only that  but Filou the big white donkey was showing all the signs of being ''amoureux''
Imagine trying to cut hooves whilst the two donkeys were really wanting to be at  it. The two men had our donkeys in the hut and I was trying to keep Filou out, all a bit scary.
The marechal felt Filou underneath and we came to the conclusion that even though he has been castrated he remembers how to do it.
The next thing which is the usual way of it, partner Lucy comes in to season, so we should have 6 weeks of having amourous donkeys.
As long as we are not proud parents in 9 months time [ not even sure if it is 9 or 11 months for donkeys] things will be OK as they will have had some fun and exercise and there will be no running away at the moment.
If I drank whisky or brandy  I would have a glass now, and do you know I can hear some of you laughing.
I can hear my daughter saying '' Mother what are you doing?'' as if it had anything to do with me!
Comments to
Filou, surprising us all!

Rosie doing the strange mouthing which is one of the signs she has come into season

No explanations needed