"Accident mortel de chasse" on Wednesday at Lisle sur Tarn. Christian Embialet age 56 was shot in the chest and killed whilst out hunting for sangliers. If you live in a town or village in SW France and not deep in the country and chasse / hunting territory like us you may think I sound alarmist. You may even say but do the chasseurs only go out on Wednesday or Sunday. Well I can dispel those rumours, anytime through the week we can expect hunters zooming up the roads having heard on their walky talkies of a nearby kill. Malc last week tried to slow a white van down with a wave and the hunter did stop to ask what was the matter. When Malc said " slow down" he huffed and puffed and drove off at speed.
Can I just say if I am out in our own fields and get shot I will not be " A happy bunny"
comments to taglines82@gmail.com