Friday, 22 November 2013

Another chasse death

"Accident mortel de chasse" on Wednesday  at Lisle sur Tarn. Christian Embialet age 56 was shot in the chest and killed whilst out hunting for sangliers. If you live in a town or village in SW France and not deep in the country and chasse / hunting territory like us you may think I sound alarmist. You may even say but do the chasseurs only go out on Wednesday or Sunday. Well I can dispel those rumours, anytime  through the week we can expect hunters zooming up the roads having heard on their walky talkies of a nearby kill. Malc last week tried to slow a white van down with a wave and the hunter did stop to ask what was the matter. When Malc said " slow down" he huffed and puffed and drove off at speed.
Can I just say if I am out in our own fields and get shot I will not be " A happy bunny"
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