Saturday, 23 November 2013

Christiane Taubira is Elle Magazine's Woman of the Year.

Christiane Taubira is on the front page of Elle Magazine  as  Woman of the Year.  Christiane who has faced many racist threats recently was the first black woman to run in France's presidential elections in 2002,Christiane Taubira, is an unstoppable force. France's current justice minister is also the heroine of French gay people for having fought tooth and nail in parliament in favour of same-sex marriage, and the nemesis of its fierce opponents who still demonstrate against a law they consider "legal but not legitimate".

French Guiana-born Taubira is not your average politician. She can be histrionic like Boris Johnson, and certainly shares his taste for verve and his skill for faultless speeches without notes. During the marathon debates that took place day and night at the French national assembly over same-sex marriage, she quoted poets René Char and Paul Ricoeur but alsonégritude writers such as Aimé Césaire and Léon Gontran Damas.