Monday 4 November 2013

What a great choice of books this morning at the swap.

Sadly as it was raining we were back in winter mode indoors at the Gazpacho. The room was heaving with tables piled high and hot looking people, me being one of them.
I have to thank people, all of you who happily bought raffle tickets I say a big thank you to, and there were many of you. There were some comments about " if I win the African lady put my name back in" but I  am sure these people were joking! I think it is the size of the dangling breasts that could be the problem but honestly folks with a " t" shirt on she looks fine.
Next I must thank Steve " Carpetman" who gave up his morning to come and take all the left over books to go in his shop at Montauban to be sold on behalf on "Liberte des Anes"
Martin Mackenzie who comes with the DVDs and does a roaring trade of swaps.
Then it was lovely to meet new people to the area who enjoy TAG and find it useful. Lots of people with lots of ideas for TAG which I will mull over.
Also a thank you to Di Hope who not long out of convalescence after a bad fall was there selling poppies on  behalf of  the Royal British Legion. I will supply her  contact details for others who might want a poppy     tel  0563632604
Lastly some  the ladies of  Fifi who are such a welcoming bunch and made one new member very welcome into the afternoon singing group,  you know who you are.
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