Sunday 3 November 2013

I do love hedgehogs

Hello Val,Managed to find a hedgehog for the latest wild photos.
Hedgehogs - Les Hérissons
Out walking with the dog on Friday we spied a hedgehog on the edge of the village, snuffling around a field close to the river. Biggest problem was, I had left my camera at home.  So after arriving home, jumped in the car in the hope it might still be there.  On the way back to the hedgehog field we stopped to have a chat with a couple who live in the village and mentioned that their daughter was down from Paris with the kids and also asked if we played cards as there was a Concours de Belote on Saturday, which they insisted was a fun night with the losers providing cakes the following month.

Anyway back to the field and of course the hedgehog had disappeared as they can move around quite quickly. We decided to stake out the field anyway and were rewarded by the returning hedgehog.  Hedgehogs will eat all manner of things: insects, slugs or worms but do not feed them milk as they are lactose intolerant.  They are active at night but can also be seen around sunrise and sunset; not unlike our cat except hedgehogs do not normally jump on your bed when soaking wet or bring in mice as presents.

Val says look in Wild photos to see the pictures 
Peter Hughes, vet and photographer told me if you want to feed them it is OK to give them dog or cat food. I am hoping ours will eat the cannibal slugs, but not doing so well as yet.
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