Saturday 9 November 2013

Fish is off dear, but Thai is good.

After great reports of the fish restaurant up the road we arrived early as we did not have a reservation, to find the restaurant fermé due to circumstances " exceptionel"
We  then tried the second restaurant our young friends mentioned which was a Thai one
The meal was lovely and it took us back to the meals we had enjoyed (not in Thailand) but a very good restaurant near our then bookshop in the main street at Henley,  twelve years ago  and that Thai restaurant it is still there, which with Henley rents shows it is good.
When we were leaving the restaurant the owner asked why we were both wearing "coquelicots" / poppies in our lapels. Malc explained all about them and I mentioned that they were like their defunct "bleuet" by which time all of the restaurant was listening  and we practically got applause as one man said "très poetique Monsieur." Malc had been explaining about how the poppies came from the disturbed earth in the spring after the shells fell in the first world war.
 We  did then leave with a round of applause.
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