Saturday, 2 November 2013

C'est scandaleuex, c'est un affront

It is interesting how we build on our French language knowledge when one is living here. When we were having building works we learnt all the building terms and actually got so one day we were trying to think what the English word for betoniere was. We always call the remorque the remorque, does it have another name?
Then  we moved on to keeping pets, and you learn all the pet terms, caline, pas mechant, ils sont gentils, croquettes, tres cheres les vaccinations et le veto.
You go to the Doctor and learn the names of parts of the body and expressions like " j"ai un toux ou une rhume" - now of course you can consult TAG medical.
Depending on which French person you talk to you learn "expressions joyeux" or you meet other  French folk who for some reason never say anything "mais c'est une chose scandaleuse"
This is how you build on your knowledge of the language and our friends and neighbours,  the French.
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