Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Thank heavens I booked the Salle des Fetes.

You know we  had planned on crushing in 25 people for a talk on "ladies of the Resistance", the real Charlotte Grays,  in our Salon, but then a few more people were interested, so I booked the Salle des Fetes at Le Riols;  thank goodness I did. There were 45 people who came along on a wet windy evening, some driving miles, a couple from Limogne for example. But gosh! it was worth it. A really big thank you must go to Martyn Cox who now lives at Septfonds for a really interesting evening introducing us to some ladies  of the SOE. When you get someone who is as passionate about his subject as Martyn,  what you get is a  most  passionate presentation, of a most fascinating subject. I have never had so many people thanking Martyn and then myself for a good evening. Let me say Martyn we will have to arrange more such nights. Martyn has a wonderful idea of getting expats throughout France to search out older people with war time memories and then videoing them and their stories whilst we still have the chance. Martyn explained that this is his second life having been in the music industry earlier;  welcome to your second and best life  Martyn.
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