Last year for the first time ever Fifi and TAG had a joint venture where the Fifi gardening group and TAG readers brought along plants which were plentiful in their own gardens so were able to swap. It was the most successful event and we all ended up with bits and pieces we were pleased with. Along to the event we also asked Terry Tippett from Parisot to come selling some of her wonderful healthy and varied plants. I am delighted to say she is willing to come again this year. The swap is cunningly held on the day before both of the big plant sales at Laguepie and St. Antonin the next day, Sunday. This way you do not pay for plants you could have got for free. Someone last year also bought some huge wisteria seeds and I know from talking to others there are now many new wisterias in the area. They may not flower for a few years but they can grow and develop as patio coverage in the meantime. Mark this date in your diaries all you keen gardeners and the location once again will be Mas del Sol, just outside Varen
Terry tells me her plant sale will be around 18th and 19th of May but if any reader wants to do a plant sale for others at their homes she will consider it if dates can be fixed.
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