A few useful French expressions
- Ça m'est égal: It doesn't matter to me. (Literally: To me it is equal.)
- À jeune chasseur, il faut un vieux chien: Someone inexperienced needs someone older to show him the ropes. (Literally: A young hunter needs an old dog.)
- À bon chat, bon rat: Tit for tat. (Literally: For a good cat, a good rat.)
- À deux pas de chez moi: Right by my house. (Literally: Two steps from my house.)
- Acheter quelque chose à prix d'or: To pay an arm and a leg for something. (Literally: To buy something for the price of gold.)
- Souris qui n'a qu'un trou est bientôt prise: Better to be safe than sorry. (Literally: A mouse with only one mouse hole quickly gets taken.)
- Courir sur le haricot: To annoy someone or get on their nerves. (Literally: To run on the bean.)
- C'est le ton qui fait la musique: It's not what you say but how you say it. (Literally: It's the tone that makes the music.)
- Les carrottes sont cuites: The die are cast. (Literally: The carrots are cooked.) Always my favourite " your goose is cooked"
- Comments to taglines82@gmail.com