Thursday, 8 March 2018

Nous sommes le jeudi huit mars

This is an interesting local story, a couple BUY a church to restore it.
 Meredith Wheeler  who is the moving force of Democrats Abroad in the area along with husband Robin Ellis, actor and also now cook and cookery book writer, the first Poldark, live in Lautrec. Having seen they had bought the church I suggested they contact residents of Puycelsi Ross and Ginny Jenkins who have worked so hard to restore the beautiful church at Puycelsi. I am sure over the next months and years this story will interest us and it could make a marvellous classical concert venue when partially restored. We could all play a part in fund raising, the masters of doing this have been Ross and Ginny Jenkins

At last! Work began this week on the church next to us (which we bought from Lautrec--to prevent others from turning it into a disco or Air BnB). The great cleaning makes such a difference! Feels like the building appreciates it! (It had been abandoned --left to rack and ruin--for over a dozen years by the local parish and commune.) The right-hand side chapel--which was pulling away from the main structure--had the remaining vaulted ceiling knocked out Monday. Too precarious. The huge wall cracks have been filled with a foam that hardens to give a little more stability--for the short term. Excellent team of French builders headed by master maçon Jean Luc Sicard assisted by his son, Gregoire and Daniel. Now we just need to win the lottery, and we can do a full restoration....
Meredith Wheeler