Sunday, 11 March 2018

Nous sommes le dimanche onze mars

What a difference a day makes.
Today more positive news as Malc’s breathing improves as the drugs disperse the embolism.
I got back from the hospital went straight to bed just after 8 pm and slept right through till the dogs woke me at 7pm
Our boilerman had been given a key incase he could find a part to replace the duff one and whilst I was at the hospital he came and fixed it
Today we have hot water for a shower more important than the heating at the moment.
A friend had walked and fed the dogs.
Other friends had a great morning at the friperie in Varen, thank you chums.
The evening musical event at the Domaine de Sautou was a great success raising money for the children of Mali
and it was lovely that many of the boys from Parisot had been invited.
I had a message from Hasib one of the Afghan boys, one of the first from Verfeil to go for an interview, he has been given asylum.
Just brilliant news... and
look at our view this morning, nearly wall to wall blue sky.
So off to another day on the roller coaster but with a very positive outlook.